Map and directions for travel to Mersea Island
How to find Waldegraves
Join the B1025 to Mersea Island.
Cross the Strood Channel via ‘The Causeway’ and then take the left fork to East Mersea.
Take the second turning to the right and follow the brown and cream Tourist Board signs to Waldegraves.
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West Mersea Tide Times
Don’t forget to check the tide times for getting on and off the island before coming to Mersea. When there are very high tides The Strood can be flooded for up to an hour or more. We always advise that if the tide is 5.00 meters and above it will more than likely cover the Strood. In this case, we would recommend allowing up to an hour and a half on either side of the tide to get on or off the island safely. Don’t take chances trying to cross it under these conditions. Click here to view the next 7 days tide time, you can also collect a Tide Table book in our Reception.